Buyer Quickstart and Guide
A full guide on getting started with SafeEscrow
Last updated
A full guide on getting started with SafeEscrow
Last updated
SafeEscrow is the decentralized way to buy and sell peer-to-peer in a quick and secure way. This documentation is divided into two parts
Buyer Quickstart: If you've used defi a lot before (e.g. have metamask experience), this is the best place to start. This page can get you up and running in 1-5 minutes. Let's get going!
Buyer Detailed Guide: If you haven't used defi much, this extensive guide takes you step-by-step on how to use WaterMelonMarkets. This Guide is targeted to those who have never used a web3 wallet like Metamask before. Or, if you're stuck on any part of the Quickstart, the Detailed Guide is much more comprehensive and drills down thoroughly into nearly every step.